lørdag den 30. oktober 2010

Referal System

Every marketing guru talks about referrals as being golden, but very few of them actually provide ways to get referrals other than saying "ask for them."

What I'm hoping to get out of this thread is seeing which referral systems you've implemented in your business (whether online or offline) with success.


Here is a list of the referral systems I've implemented in my business (personal training):

1. Create coupons that give away extremely valuable products or services for free, and give them to your current clients to give to people they think may be interested. Put an expiry date on the coupon, and the dollar value of the product or service they're getting.

2. After someone refers one client to you, make a big deal out of it. Send a thank you letter, buy a gift card, say “thank you” in person, and ask for more referrals.
a. If someone refers to you, give them X dollars off their next purchase.

3. Host events (dinners, barbecues, etc.) where your current clients can bring one (or two or three, etc.) other people.

4. Ask for a 24-hour cancellation notice. Have a policy that if 24 hours are not given, that person will be charged. They can avoid a charge by referring someone in their place.

5. After a good service, ask for a referral personally.

6. After a good service, send a thank-you card that contains in it a coupon for a free _______________ to give to a friend/family member that expires soon.

7. Have special perks for “preferred customers”. A preferred customer is anyone who referred 3 of more people.

Now it's your turn. What referral systems have you implemented in your business with success?

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