torsdag den 11. november 2010

4 hour body

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Poker and Skat

This must be the information you need when talking about Skattefri Poker
Don't know how to write it in english - cause im a minority and im paid to do this.
I can see remeber!

lørdag den 30. oktober 2010

Referal System

Every marketing guru talks about referrals as being golden, but very few of them actually provide ways to get referrals other than saying "ask for them."

What I'm hoping to get out of this thread is seeing which referral systems you've implemented in your business (whether online or offline) with success.


Here is a list of the referral systems I've implemented in my business (personal training):

1. Create coupons that give away extremely valuable products or services for free, and give them to your current clients to give to people they think may be interested. Put an expiry date on the coupon, and the dollar value of the product or service they're getting.

2. After someone refers one client to you, make a big deal out of it. Send a thank you letter, buy a gift card, say “thank you” in person, and ask for more referrals.
a. If someone refers to you, give them X dollars off their next purchase.

3. Host events (dinners, barbecues, etc.) where your current clients can bring one (or two or three, etc.) other people.

4. Ask for a 24-hour cancellation notice. Have a policy that if 24 hours are not given, that person will be charged. They can avoid a charge by referring someone in their place.

5. After a good service, ask for a referral personally.

6. After a good service, send a thank-you card that contains in it a coupon for a free _______________ to give to a friend/family member that expires soon.

7. Have special perks for “preferred customers”. A preferred customer is anyone who referred 3 of more people.

Now it's your turn. What referral systems have you implemented in your business with success?

Why are you worried over little things

I am writing this because of reading the other thread about protecting your material and stuff...

My question to you is
"Why are you worried over little things"

Try to look at the bigger picture here. It's ok to worry about little things but it's not making you money.

For example, Yesterday evening, I emailed for Joint ventures with 12 companies and 1 replied by the morning for the proposal even before I woke up...
And know what... I emailed them on a whim and didn't have a proposal ready yet. lol

Don't try to be perfect here. You'll learn and You'll grow and by god, you'll grow strong.

BizTGuy wrote on one of my forums:
Have you ever noticed Eben pagan? in last 3-4 yrs since he started promoting in online marketing niche, he produced more content than any other marketer...
His content was far more valuable than any other...
his content was far more pricer than any other...

Think where do your priority lies...
Do you think eben is concerned about his stuff getting to torrent sites???

Just for the fun, I tried to look into when Eben started... He started at around mid 2007 and (it's his 3rd year in Internet marketing niche).
Do you know how many products he have?
Self Made wealth
Internet marketing 101
Modern Guru Series
Guru Home Study (seminar and home study course)
Get altitude (seminar and home study)
Guru mastermind (seminar and home study)
Wake up productive

Holy crap... how busy is he? All of these are pretty darn expensive products

"How does eben does it?"
He have systems in place. He have a system to create products, he have system to research the market and everything.

You should also start working on creating a system.
For example, Create a system of creating a product. I have a system of writing an ebook in few short hours. By the end of day, I'll have very professional looking ebook ready.
I also have system to create audio and video product (though creating video product is still a little shaky right now).

Every second that you waste worry your head, is time wasted forever... Get over it and get started.

PS: I am not pointing fingers at the user who started that thread. But more at the way people respond to this. I have seen this happening in forums, my personal talks too, So I decided to write about it.

fredag den 29. oktober 2010

A few stories from my life

I have a friend who is way too smart for his own good. This guy went back for a Top 25 (USA) MBA in his late 30s because he was having trouble keeping jobs. At age 38 his resume was nothing but a list of short one or two year stints at various corporations. Then he got the MBA around age 40 or 41 which led to a banking job that lasted about two years until the company imploded. Now he’s been unemployed for over year surviving as a temp. He has a wife and young teen at home.
This guy is so intelligent that he can sleep through finance and stats course exams and end up with the highest score in the class. Whenever the prof shows the bell curve for exam results, this guy is always the outlier to the right.
I recently hired him to help me finish a project and realized that he is incapable of acknowledging anyone else’s contribution. Only his has value and matters.
What a friggin’ ego on this guy. What a waste.
Eben Pagan tells us in the Wake Up Productive program that completing on tasks gives you a shot of energy. This is nothing new as I have heard it before from other gurus.
Well, I just experienced this phenomenon dramatically. Last night I didn’t get a good night’s sleep (maybe 4 hours instead of the desired 7), so today I’m feeling awful. This feeling is exacerbated by having something unpleasant to complete today. So I spend the morning procrastinating and feeling worse by the hour. Fifteen minutes ago I start telling myself that if I take a short nap, I will feel better and be able to do the unpleasant task.
Then I just decide to tackle it immediately. Within minutes it’s done and *presto!* instant rush of energy. No more need for a nap. Now I’m going out in the sun for a reward.
Pay heed procrastinators!
and last but not least
Well, I live in Wien, Austria. City population is something like 2 million and Turkish population in the city is 400k-700k. Those people are Muslims but the question is how?
1- Drinking alcohol is not allowed in Islam, but they drink.
2- Eating pork is not allowed in Islam, but they eat steakhouse burger in McDonalds which contains pork.
3- They have to go to mosque every friday, but they don’t go.
… bla bla
So under these conditions if they are Muslims, I am Muslim too :-D , actually we all.
Yes it’s true there are millions of Muslims in Europe, but mentally they have changed.
If you ever been in Vienna, you can clearly see Philippino, Asian and Black people population beats the total Muslim population. (I know that there are a lot of Muslims from Phi, Asian and Black people but most likely they are Christian, Budist etc.) But somehow people in Europe don’t see them as threat!
Standart salary in all McDonalds in Vienna: 900€ / month
Due Immigration Stuff, Philippinos getting paid: 300-400€ / month in McDonalds.
So, McDonalds able to 3 Philippino employee in cost of 1 Austrian citizen. 300€ is very good amount in Philippines.
Then what happens? Philippinos are everywhere in McDonalds, McDonalds makes great profit but pay less to workers, McDonalds get rich, native Austrian remains un-employed.
Note: I don’t care about McDonald’s policy stuff about employees. This is just an example but a good one

Single websites dominating ?

Has anyone else noticed that in the last few weeks Google has allowed single websites to dominate the first page of results. I've seen searches where out of the Top 10 organic results from Google, all but 2 are from the same domain. That has never happened before.

For many of my keywords where I used to just have the #1 spot, now I have #1-4. It's much better than the double listing we used to shoot for.

Anyway, wondered if anyone else had noticed.

torsdag den 28. oktober 2010

Duplicate content

Hi guys! Let's say I'm going to do a site about Sony Ericsson 610i. I made great review, put it on and put 10 filler niche related articles I took from EZA, or simply have on my other sites. Will this affect my ranking on Sony Ericsson 610i keyword? Is this "bad" in the eyes of google? Could "SEOing" such a site be harder because of duplicate content?


Is it possible, as an affiliate to have someone make a purchase on a vendor
site through my hoplink (CB or CJ) and, AS A RESULT, me be able to somehow automatically
(via email or something) give them a bonus? I know I can set up something so
they come back and enter something manually and show proof and I validate the
proof and then send them back a link to a download page, but is there a way to
do that automatically?

Thank you!


Amazon don't want us to promote their products on trademarked domains, but I still want to go this way (exact match domains) and want to ask You guys if my thinking is correct. I want to prevent them from finding it.

Since they don't want to be referred from trademarked domains, I could set up a domain I would use for this purpose only. Put shitty notes about products I promote and set up redirections (and doesn't allow search engines to crawl it). For example would redirect to amazon affiliate link. Would it be enough to protect myself?

But there is one more problem - credibility. Part of visitors will not trust links pointing to some strange domain they don't know. So I could use widely used thing - redirection. Just for creditibility (also protected from crawling through robots.txt).

It would give a chain: -> ->

It gives 2 redirections in the row - is it something bad? Are there any flaws in my thinking? Would amazon have any way of finding where I promote their product? What would You suggest?